Thursday, August 23, 2007

Feast 101


On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the highest) how much do you enjoy watching sports on television?

---> I'm not into sports so I guess 1 will do since I was only given a scale of 1 to 10 option (if zero is included, it'll be my answer with no second thought hehe!). I don't even change the channel just to watch any sports on TV.


If you could completely memorize any one work of fiction, which one would you pick?

--->The Mount of Monte Cristo, errr...I dunno if I could storytell the whole story, but the gist, hmmm yea, sure! The story is really a superb fiction! I actually have written an ending to the story, as requested by our Lit. prof. way back in college.


What is your favorite breakfast food?

---> Breakfast is no longer a part of my daily meal scheme (sigh!). I have to rush myself so I won't be late in the office. But I do sip a cup of coffee as soon as I arrived here (That is, if there's a stock of coffee and sugar at the pantry, woooaaahhh!)

Main Course

Name something fun you can do for less than $10.00.

---> $10? errr...well, it's good enough for a sunday treat with my loving hubby and 'lil prince bendyk. If we'll convert it to Philippine Peso, $10 is somewhat equivalent to P450. Perhaps, we'll just be eating at Jollibee, and the excess will be for our transpo. fare hehehe!


How long does it usually take you to fall asleep?

--->after 8 hours of staring at the PC, and watching the entire Primetime programs on T.V. (usually ends at 11:30 p.m.), the next thing could happen is dozing off automatically while holding a remote control. ZzzzzZZZzzzzz!!!

Thanks to Mrs. Kathy
yigae halley

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