If you like to take your family on a lot of vacations or like I said, your businesses require you to travel, you should really look into getting one of these cards. As long as you're disciplined enough to use a credit card and you pay it off in full each month, you can really take advantage. The card works in simply ways. Every time you spend a dollar, you're going to get "airline miles". Depending on the card you use will depend on how many miles you get. For example, the card I use, I need 25,000 miles for a round trip airline ticket but I get 3 points per dollar, so in the long run, I don't need to spend $25,000 but rather a 1/3 of it.
When you're looking to apply for a travel card, look for a card that will allow you to get free miles just for signing up. In fact, there are some cards out there that will allow you to get a free ticket just for filling out an application. You can't beat that deal at all! Get your wife to sign up as well and you'll have two tickets in your pocket just for a credit card application.
Now that you know a little bit more about travel reward credit cards, go out there and find a card that suits your needs. Start using it and you'll be getting free airline tickets in no time.
If you want to find the best airlines credit cards for you and your family, visit FINDairlinecards.com, where you'll also find more of Tom's work.
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